Phoenix DSL HOW-TO
Wed, 15 Mar 2000 17:23:55 -0700 (MST)
You're both right. :) (R)ADSL services from US West will mux the DSL
connection with the voice bandwidth on a single line. However, SDSL (what
Jean has) currently does not mux with voice.
On Wed, 15 Mar 2000, Wes Bateman wrote:
> Jean:
> I don't believe it uses the second pair. I'm running DSL on a single
> copper pair, dial tone and DSL all on one pair of copper. You need to
> install filters between your DSL enabled CO line and your actual
> telephones/modems/faxes, etc. to prevent them from sending any signal into
> the frequency range used by DSL (it's cool because you notice nothing, no
> speed degredation or anything when on the phone and using your DSL
> full-bore, because they operate at very different frequency ranges.)
> It's probably not material really, but I just had to nit-pick :) (is
> nit-pick spelled right? hmm, not a word I've ever typed out before hehe)
> Wes
> > You don't need a second phone line. The DSL circuit uses one pair and
> > your phone uses the other pair in a standard phone line installation.
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