Apache broke SWAT

Ken Bowley ken@sqs-ff.com
Wed, 15 Mar 2000 08:40:05 -0700 (MST)

Do you have SWAT running as a daemon or from inetd?  Did you configure
Apache to listen to port 901? (If Apache is listening on port 901, then
swat won't be able to answer)

On Wed, 15 Mar 2000, David Demland wrote:

> I installed Samba on my Linux box. I am using RH 6.1. I got Samba
> working and I had SWAT running. I has able to run it in my browser
> just as I had read. I then installed Apache on the box. Now I can not
> get SWAT to run. The way I had SWAT running was to use the RUL of:
> IP:Port
> The IP is and the port is 901. I went back to check the
> config files that I changed for Samba to run and they are still the
> same. Now I get an error that the address can not be reached. Is there
> something I have to change in the Apache config files to allow this to
> work? If so what files.
> Thank You,
> David Demland
> Qa / Testing Manager
> CADTEL Systems, Inc.
> 11201 N. Tatum Ste. 200
> Phoenix, AZ 85028
> (602) 953-4888
> FAX: (602) 953-4833
> ddemland@cadtel.com