Unloading old hardware

der.hans PLUGd@LuftHans.com
Mon, 13 Mar 2000 23:08:09 -0700 (MST)

On Mon, 13 Mar 2000, Bob George wrote:

> I've got a closet full of old stuff that I'm finally going to have to admit
> won't be useful to me. Some of it's useful for Linux (486/66 motherboard)
> and some not (286 systems), and some needs work (AT tower case with dead
> power supply). I'm wondering if it would be appropriate to haul it to a
> meeting to give to anyone interested in it, or perhaps to use as door prizes
> from hell?
> I simply do not have the time to deal with each piece on a case-by-case
> basis, so would like to drop off a bunch of it at one sitting. Anything
> leftover at the end of the meeting would go in the dumpster.
> Is PLUG the place for this, or can anyone suggest a better home for unloved
> hardware?

Based on the last "clearance sale" we had, PLUG is the right place :).

OTOH, if you want tax deductable and all that, there are a couple of
places in town that accept hw for NPOs. They problably wouldn't be
interested in anything smaller/older than 486.

OTOH (yes, Hans has many hands :), if someone's willing to search through
what will be useful to the EDU project, I'd be willing to store the stuff
at my place for a little while. I get to keep the mainframe, though. I'll
need the liquid cooling when I get an Itanium...



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