relay in sendmail

arson smith
Mon, 13 Mar 2000 20:35:00 GMT

I did find this in some documentation but not sure what to do
with it:

                By default, the sendmail configuration files do not permit
                mail relaying (that is, accepting mail from outside your
                domain and sending it to another host outside your domain).
                This option sets your site to allow mail relaying from any
                site to any site.  In general, it is better to control the
                relaying more carefully with the access db and the 'R'
                class ($=R).  Domains can be added to class 'R' by the
                macros RELAY_DOMAIN or RELAY_DOMAIN_FILE (analogously to
                MASQUERADE_DOMAIN and MASQUERADE_DOMAIN_FILE, see below).

I think this is what I want to do but I am not sure how to turn it
on.  I will keep reading.

Bill Warner

>From: "Shawn T. Rutledge" <>
>Subject: Re: relay in sendmail
>Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2000 13:19:38 -0700
>On Mon, Mar 13, 2000 at 07:36:45PM +0000, arson smith wrote:
> > I know it is not normally a good thing but
> > i need to know how to turn relaying on in
> > sendmail.  I know in redhat it is on by default
> > but I am not able to get it to work in Debian.
> > I have ben RTFMing most of the morning and
> > haven't seemed to get anywhere yet so I figured
> > I would make a post here.
>Maybe try this in /etc/mail/
>and then run sendmailconfig again.  I have this in my file but I'm not
>sure if it actually works - I seldom send mail from anywhere but the
>gateway machine.
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