wording a flame
Mon, 13 Mar 2000 06:14:58 -0700 (MST)
moin, moin,
looked at some CERT pages from a post of Jean's and noticed typos on
one. OK, sent them corrections. As I was doing this I noticed the
following in their header:
HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=windows-1252">^M
Obviously the ^Ms aren't going to impress me :). This
charset=windows-1252, however, was the cause of one of the typos,
e.g. they probably typed the right thing, but this charset does the wrong
thing with it. How would one go about appropriately bashing someone about
the head for using platform specific charsets in order to convince them to
reconfigure their lame-ass html editor to use an ISO standard? Better
would be to use the html standards, wouldn't it? I don't know that much
about charsets, so I'm uncertain as to where I can point someone to RFCs,
etc. showing that there an idiot for using the wrong one :).
I generally just use whatever's default with the dist I'm on or change it
to ISO-8859-15 (used to use ISO-8859-1).
BTW, this page was info on setting up stuff for Solaris. Makes sense to
make it M$ specific, doesn't it? Bah.
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