Food for thought
John Mosier
Thu, 09 Mar 2000 14:58:43 -0700
Dynamite Idea, Jim. We recently completed Linux for Your Business
seminar on Feb. 8, 2000. We can use some of our slides and
materials that were developed for that. Since it is a Slide Show,
it would be easy to allow other presenters to put on the program.
It has contributions from Viking, Wired Global, EST (BRU), The Linux
Store, Excelco, and Jean Francois. I would
be willing to do the program sometimes. I think we can persuade
some of the original presenters to do it sometimes, also.
At 11:29 AM 3/9/00 , Jim W wrote:
>There is an installfest being hosted byThe Dayton Microcomputer
>Association's UNIX/Linux SIG with an interesting twist. Not only are they
>providing the usual installation service to computer users but they are also
>offering a presentation called "Linux 101". Now why didn't anyone think of
>this before. OK, the installfests put Linux on a newbie's machine. We,
>unfortunately make the assumption that they are either a) intelligent enough
>to figure out how to run Linux or b) are smart enough to know where to go to
>ask for help. OK, we offer all the help they need - meetings, mailing
>lists, etc.
>I think the presentation that they are offering serves two main audiences.
>First, those newbies who get Linux installed get a good foundation and also
>learn where to get additional help. Second, and maybe more importantly, it
>exposes Linux to the curious - those computer users who have heard all the
>buzz about Linux and want more information before they take the plunge.
>Yes, doing an installfest with a presentation does pose some new problems to
>deal with. Obviously, we would need space to have the presentations in and
>someone willing to do the presentation while still having the connections,
>resources, space, and volunteers to do the installs. But these don't really
>seem insurmountable. IMHO, doing a presentation in conjunction with an
>installfest is well worth any additional resources that need to be
>Maybe this is something we should consider the next time we plan an
>Maybe it is time to be thinking about doing another installfest?
>the future is now
>Plug-discuss mailing list -
John Mosier, Excelco Fax: (602) 992-2026 Voice: (602) 992-8076
2990 E Northern Ave, Ste A-101, Phoenix, AZ 85028 (800) 553-6911