RAM space vs swap space

Kevin Brown kevin_brown@uswest.net
Wed, 01 Mar 2000 23:20:16 -0700

> Total =127768.
> Used = 124772.
> Free = 2996.
> Shared = 59380.
> Buffers = 7572.
> Cache = 48760.
> -/+ Buffers/Cache: used 68440   Free 59328.
> Swap Total = 136544.
> Swap Used = 2248.
> Swap Free = 134296.

Look at how much of your swap is being used.  Swap is used as a last resort
under linux.  It moves things that aren't being accessed anymore from RAM to
swap.  Your system is using only 2MB of swap.  Is this with things like GIMP

"Intel giveth and Microsoft Taketh Away" - Gordon Moore