Fri, 30 Jun 2000 09:39:38 -0700 (MST)
\_ I am trying to push VNC but everyone here complains that it is a lot slower
\_ than PCanywhere from their modem's at home. The babies gotta have a
\_ bazillion colors and all they do is look at code. Doesn't make sense but,
\_ alas, I am a lowly admin. What do I know :-p
Obviously, you need to migrate from PFY to BOFH.
Configure your network so that PCA packets get dropped 1/2 time...then
VNC will be faster.
Remote ping of death anytime you notice PCA running for more than five
Make sure you update to the latest M$ provided security upgrade "to
ensure compatibility with PCA". Rebooting shouldn't be too frequent.
Stability won't be an issue either since M$ only ships production
environment software.
Increase resolution to 2400x1800.
If you think like a BOFH, the rest will come naturally.