Unix admin jobs available
Don Harrop
Mon, 26 Jun 2000 14:04:54 -0700
Bill Gjestvang,
I would love to submit a resume. Email me at don@nis4u.com and let me
----- Original Message -----
From: <datawolf@ibm.net>
To: <plug-discuss@lists.PLUG.phoenix.az.us>
Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2000 12:57 AM
Subject: Unix admin jobs available
> My employer, Direct Alliance, is looking for more Unix admins. We're
> heavy into Linux. We've got some SCO systems, too, but are trying to
> get as much stuff on Linux as we can. There are positions for Unix Web
> Admins as well as generic Unix Admins. All of the web servers you'll
> deal with are Linux. The Web Admin positions will work with boxes that
> have nothing to do with the web, as we just keep expanding.
> We've also had some successes stamping out Window$. :-) In additions
> to servers, Linux on the desktop is standard in the Unix dept., or any
> other free OS. (We've got a couple guys running FreeBSD.) There are
> Window$ admins to deal with the remaining Micro$oft spawn, so you don't
> have to.
> Plusses for: perl (mainly for admin, not making web pages), Apache,
> ColdFusion, samba, sendmail, etc.
> And remember, we're looking for generic Unix admins, not just Unix Web
> Admins.
> If you're interested, drop me a resume. When choosing a format, just
> remember that I'll be opening it under Linux. (Yes, I have Star
> Office.)
> -BVG (Bill Gjestvang)
> Unix Web Admin
> Direct Alliance
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