DHCP and Cox

foodog@uswest.net foodog@uswest.net
Tue, 13 Jun 2000 00:18:01 -0700

> David Demland wrote:
> I have just got my Linux box to ping the outside world
> with an IP Address. The problem is it will not ping my
> work by name, www.cadtel.com

That suggests that you don't have a nameserver defined
correctly (or less likely, their nameserver's down).  I use
Redhat 6.2 and like to use linuxconf to set things up.  If
you're using linuxconf look under 'Networking', 'Client
tasks' then 'Name server specification (DNS)' and set your
nameservers and search domain accordingly.

> I can only get the ping to work if I use the static IP
> information on my Cox paper work. Once I use pump or
> dhcpcd I lose the eth1 card. When I reboot I get the card
> back. It seems like it should not be to hard to get eth1
> to work with DHCP and eth0 a static IP for the internal
> network. What am I doing wrong?

I'm using 2 cards, 1 w/ dhcp (via pump) and the other
static.  Using my linuxconf crutch, I click 'Basic host
information'.  The first tab is 'host name', then 'Adaptor
1' which is eth0 for me has the Dhcp button set.  'Adaptor
2' has 'manual' selected and I've entered the ip, netmask,

Good luck, it can definitely be done.

// BTW, if someone would be kind enough to remind me the
name of the file that contains the network settings I
wouldn't have to feel like such a dweeb using a GUI to
configure my machine ;-)
TIA, Steve

Carpe cerevisiae