File Permissions

Wed, 21 Jun 2000 23:44:26 -0700

That means you need to look at:

man mount

and look at using mode=xxxx

I bet if you cd to the mount point and type "ls -l" you see:

----------   1 fren root        11649 Apr 30 05:28 N2pInst.log
d---------   1 fren root          512 Sep 16  1999 Office51/
d---------   1 fren root          512 Mar 19 06:45 Palm/
d---------   1 fren root          512 Jan  6  1998 Program Files/
d---------   1 fren root          512 Sep 16  1999 RECYCLED/

in the columns for permissions.

It seems like on Wed, Jun 21, 2000 at 11:47:23PM -0700, Eric scribbled:
Orig Msg> I am not using SAMBA, they are windows partitions defined in my fstab file...  They
Orig Msg> mount, I can read to them, I can create directories on the partitions, but I can't copy
Orig Msg> anything over, even as root...
Orig Msg> 

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