Unix admin jobs available
Mon, 19 Jun 2000 11:47:50 -0700
Excellent idea, also you might want to consider taking the initiative and
contacting some of these companies and see if you can make an internship
available, sell them on your motivation, what you have done, what your goals
are, your availablity, willingness to learn. Have you volunteered for the
PLUG web design team? Have you volunteered to present a topic at a plug
meeting, or even to organize a plug meeting?
Alot of seasoned admin's would as you said "like to land a nice admin job" ,
it's called paying your dues, and showing motivation, just in time learning,
studying your ass off, and a little bit of luck. And then again i'm sure
there are a few that are asking "would you like to supersize that".
The majority of the companies do go thru colleges and universities as it
allows them to get more focused individuals, remember these companies are
out to make a profit, and do not want to waste thier time training an
unworthy candidate where the ROI might not make good business sense.
Keep pluggin' away and sooner or later you'll kick open the right
door.....(btw, hold the pickles! ;) )
|Most of the interm positions that I have seen at my jobs has
|been through a college or university.
|Contact your school and see they have such a program.
| I've been seeing a lot of posts about Linux\UNIX Admin and
|jobs lately. How about some internships or apprenticships (sp?) for us
|teenage Linux buffs? I'd like to land a nice admin job, heck
|of a lot better
|then McDonald's or Arby's. (Would you like fry's with that?)
|Hey Hawke, you
|interested in a sophmore computer tech for you're digital cafe? : )
| Just a little food for thought. (Ha, ha. Very funny...)
| - Zach