help with gdmchooser
Bill Warner
Fri, 16 Jun 2000 15:18:09 -0700
after going through large amounts of documentation
I can't seem to find anything on how to get gdmchooser
to work how I think I understand it.
I have never used or even seen it in use but I am guessing
I should be able to turn on my computer have X start with
gdm and be presented with a list of xdmcp hosts rather than a
straight login from gdmchooser that are available on the network.
Then click on one and be presented with gdmlogin or other login
depending on the system. If this is way of let me know maybe
I am barking up the wrong tree.
I have searched far and wide for any howto. Searching
news groups and mailing lists to no avail. can you point
me to some documentation that can help me get basicly
what I want witch is what I described in the above paragraph.
Thanks much
Bill Warner