root be gone
Furmanek, Greg
Wed, 14 Jun 2000 10:56:56 -0400
This is probably the best book out there about
securing your linux box. It shows every step
from setting a box to maintenance monitoring
and other security issues.
I think everyone should read this book before
even installing Linux and defiatelly before
putting it on line.
The Wolf
-> -----Original Message-----
-> From: KeithSmith []
-> Sent: Wednesday, June 14, 2000 4:23 AM
-> To:
-> Subject: Re: root be gone
-> Hi Joel,
-> I have no answer, just a question -> Tell me about
-> this Maximum Linux Security. Is it version
-> specific, ie RedHat? Is it comprehensive?
-> Thanks,
-> Keith
-> > Joel Dudley wrote:
-> >
-> > Newbie question here. I am setting up a
-> > firewall here at work and since I will need to
-> > have openSSH daemon running on it I want to be
-> > able to disable root logins so only su is
-> > available. How is this done? I dont have my
-> > copy of Maximum Linux Security handy :-( Thanks
-> > in advance.
-> >
-> > - Joel
-> --
-> Jesus is Lord!,
-> Keith Smith
-> 520.298.2227
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