plug-announce@lists.PLUG.phoenix.az.us plug-announce@lists.PLUG.phoenix.az.us
Fri, 9 Jun 2000 08:18:00 -0700

If you were not at the meeting last night you don't know that there is a
NEW PLUG MAILING LIST.  The WebDev mailing list is for developing the PLUG
Web Site.  We will not only be changing the current web site, but also
looking at doing a complete a redesign of it.

Comments, suggestions, criticisms, new graphics, anything related to the
PLUG website is fair game for the WebDev mailing list.

I know a lot of you have expressed an interest in getting involved with
this project.  I could root out (pun intended) all of your email
addresses, but I thought this would be a better way to get you all

This is your chance.  Join the WebDev mailing list and lets see how cool
we can make the PLUG website.  To join, go to the PLUG website
(http://plug.phoenix.az.us for Cindy and anyone else who doesnt have it
tattooed on their body) and click on the Mailing List button on the
navigation bar.  From there, click on the Web Development link and find
the link to subscribe.  OR, go right to


Zope is cool!

Plug-announce mailing list  -  Plug-announce@lists.PLUG.phoenix.az.us
PLUG Website at http://plug.phoenix.az.us