Linux File size limits
Kevin Buettner
Thu, 8 Jun 2000 15:54:01 -0700
On Jun 8, 3:10pm, AZ Pete wrote:
> I need some help from you file system gurus out there.
I'm not a file system guru, but I'll do my best.
> 1) What is the maximum file size that Linux allow. For an Oracle database
> file for example.
AFAIK, on an x86 machine, the ext2 file system limits you to 2GB files.
I'm not sure if this is an inherent limit of the filesystem though or
just due to the fact that sizeof (off_t) == 4 and off_t is signed.
> 2) What is that maximum size that the entire filesystem can be?
> XX Terabytes??
4TB. It might be higher on 64 bit machines.
See for more info.