nameserver problems!
Mike Starke
Mon, 5 Jun 2000 14:28:38 -0700 (MST)
Below is an excerpt from some log meesages. My nameserver apears
tp be acting up on me, and I can't figure out what is going
Does anyone know what these messages mean?
Security Violations
Jun 5 12:13:02 ns1 named[358]: bind(dfd=20, [].53): Permission denied
Jun 5 12:13:02 ns1 named[358]: bind(dfd=20, [my_ip].53): Permission denied
Jun 5 13:13:02 ns1 named[358]: bind(dfd=20, [].53): Permission denied
Jun 5 13:13:02 ns1 named[358]: bind(dfd=20, [my_ip].53): Permission denied
Jun 5 14:08:41 ns1 kernel: neighbour table overflow
Jun 5 14:12:15 ns1 kernel: neighbour table overflow
Jun 5 14:12:15 ns1 kernel: neighbour table overflow
Jun 5 12:13:02 ns1 named[358]: bind(dfd=20, [].53): Permission denied
Jun 5 12:13:02 ns1 named[358]: deleting interface [].53
Jun 5 12:13:02 ns1 named[358]: bind(dfd=20, [my_ip].53): Permission denied