instant messengers and security
Sat, 03 Jun 2000 19:22:32 -0700
I'm using IP Masquerading anyway, though, so I doubt SOCKS would help.
"J.L.Francois" wrote:
> It seems like on Sat, Jun 03, 2000 at 03:35:02PM -0700, scribbled:
> Orig Msg> Does anyone know if any instant messenger software provides better
> Orig Msg> security (or less bad security) than others?
> Orig Msg>
> Orig Msg> I've set up my firewall at home now that I have DSL, and want to keep it
> Orig Msg> locked down. I've been using icq (licq), and wonder if I should
> Orig Msg> continue to do so.
> Orig Msg>
> Orig Msg> -BVG
> Orig Msg>
> Orig Msg>
> IMHO for doing things like that, a properly configured
> SOCKS proxy comes in handy for protecting internal hosts.
> I use SOCKS mainly for IRC via mIRC for no other reason than the
> IP address I return for everything is in the
> range and any attacks get directed to the hybrid firewall/proxy box.
> My .02
> JLF Sends...
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