CD-R help - a possible clue?
Rod Roark
Thu, 01 Jun 2000 15:59:57 -0700
I missed the earlier discussion... sorry if this was already covered,
but you also need the SCSI generic driver.
In fact most distributions will support ATAPI CDR's out of the box. No
kernel compiling required. For Red Hat 6.x, the following works for me:
* In /etc/lilo.conf:
append="hdc=ide-scsi" (if hdc is the CDR)
* After bootup, or in /etc/rc.d/rc.local:
modprobe sg
modprobe ide-scsi
-- Rod wrote:
> \_ Thanks for the help Art,
> \_
> \_ Actually I've been using the HOWTO myself to try to get this to work.
> \_
> \_ I have the ide-scsi, ide-cd and sr_mod loaded into my kernel. in fstab, I
> \_ have the following line:
> \_
> \_ /dev/scd0 /mnt/cd1 iso9660 noauto, user 0 0
> \_
> \_ which would load it just like my cdrom(?), which is /dev/hdd on /mnt/cdrom.
> \_
> \_ when I go to mount, I get this error:
> \_
> \_ mount: the kernel does not recognize /dev/scd0 as a block device
> \_ (maybe 'insmod driver'?)
> THe man pages and my beliefs say that there shouldn't be a space
> between 'noauto,' and 'user'. Typo in mail or in fstab?
> David