They have got to be kidding!

Alan Gore
Thu, 01 Jun 2000 13:23:45 -0700

>Is the Justice Department really serious about this?
>                  In view of Microsoft's monopoly with the Windows operating
>system, Reno was
>                  asked why the Justice Department has bought tens of
>thousands of PCs
>                  running Windows, rather than buying alternative operating
>                  She replied that monopolies limit choice, "I don't think
>you endorse something
>                  by purchasing it," Reno said, "if that's the only game in
> terms of an
>                  effective machine, the lowest price available."

The real reason Microsoft was sued was not that it's any sort of a real
monopoly - if it were, Linux and this discussion group would not be allowed
to exist - but as a ploy to get the computer/Internet industry to pay
tribute to Washington. What Clinton and Reno are hoping is that next time
around, Microsoft will buy a Senatorial campaign to get a competitor
destroyed, just as Novell did to Microsoft.