Help with SSH2 and tunneling X?
Michael Dearman
Thu, 01 Jun 2000 08:07:21 -0700
Hey Steve,
Sorry, can't help on the tunneling.
I ain't real bright, but I have read a couple of hacking/cracking
books and giving specific info like below might not be the safest
thing to do.
M. Dearman wrote:
> By way of introduction, I've been to two meetings but I'm
> new to the list. (howdy, KevinO)
> I'm on a quest to access machines at my work securely from
> home over a public VDSL connection. I'm sick of battling
> VTUN* so I've settled on tunneling X through SSH2. That
> works relatively dandy from my firewall but I'd much rather
> use my main box which is on my home subnet.
> To get the X traffic to come through I'd have to set my
> DISPLAY variable correctly and/or find out how to do some
> sort of trick network address translation.
> I tried 'export DISPLAY=' just to see if masq
> could handle it - I also tried setting it to my firewall's
> address. Anyone have a suggestion on how to proceed? I'd
> appreciate it a lot :-)
> For the sake of discussion, this is my network
> configuration:
> firewall: VDSL connected to eth0, addr via
> firewall: hub connected to eth1, addr mask
> FavoriteBox: connected to hub, addr
> WorkBox: addr, static address
> ip forwarding and ipmasq work on the firewall. Everyone
> involved is running Redhat 6.2 and latest SSH2.
> * in a perfect world I'd be able to create a "type ether"
> tunnel using vtun so I can move IPX/SPX as well as TCP/IP
> via USWest's network. I can establish the tunnel OK but
> getting my traffic routed through it isn't what I'd call
> "obvious"...
> TIA,
> Steve Smith
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