Help!!!!!!!! Under a Juno / Windows Attack!

Craig White
Mon, 24 Jul 2000 21:07:25 -0700

> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of
> Sent: Monday, July 24, 2000 7:37 AM
> To:
> Subject: RE: Help!!!!!!!! Under a Juno / Windows Attack!
> \_ I was waiting for David to reply since his employer gives free internet
> \_ access ( - I know they are targeting hispanics but
> I don't know
> \_ if they want other ethnics or require Windows.
> A) Careful examination of email will induce folks to believe that
> QuePasa and I have parted ways.
> B) The free internet is a branded netzero product, which, predictably,
> wants to drop about a bazillion advertisements into your hippocampus
> or other major lobe.
> C) I do not believe the software in B) to be linux friendly in any way
> sort or shape.
> David
Are you suggesting that we carefully examine your e-mails?  Actually, so
many people have multiple addresses that I don't think much about a
differing e-mail address.

I believe that NetZero would be stepping the bounds of legality if they
dropped a bazillion advertisements...perhaps a gazillion but not a

As I am typing a reply to this, I am flipping the channels only to find
Porky's on the Comedy Channel which is proof positive that there is always a
market for what was once a good product and is now trimmed beyond
recognition and punctuated with advertisements.
