off topic: Cisco access lists

Mon, 24 Jul 2000 17:25:36 -0700

Please send me a detail of what you are trying to do and I will
send you step by step instructions.

JLF Sends..

It seems like on Mon, Jul 24, 2000 at 11:35:34AM -0700, Joel Dudley scribbled:
Orig Msg> I am hoping that someone out there knows how to specify ports to block in a
Orig Msg> cisco router access list.  If you know how, I would be forever in your debt
Orig Msg> if you could e-mail me off the list and tell me how. I apologize if this off
Orig Msg> topic message is unwelcome.
Orig Msg> 
Orig Msg> - Joel
Orig Msg> 
Orig Msg>
Orig Msg>