Redhat Linux Installation - SNAFU

Kevin Buettner
Mon, 24 Jul 2000 15:14:33 -0700

On Jul 24,  1:09pm, Frank Reichenbacher wrote:

> I am leaping headlong into a Linux RH 6.1 setup on a salvaged
> Pentium box and need a little bootstrapping to get up and running. 
> The box has two HDs, Master & Slave, and an IDE CDROM.  Auto Gnome
> workstation install works fine (I guess), except that it does not
> mount or partition hdb.  It only deals with hda. 
> I need the disk space on the slave drive (the drives are only 1GB
> each) I tried manual partitioning to set up a /boot and / on hda,
> and /usr to on hdb in addition to the swap.  If I do this, X-windows
> crashes on startx with an X-Font server installation failure and
> additional messages that tell me it doesn't know where to find the
> font files it needs to set up the X-windows environment.  I presume
> those files are in /usr, meaning the partition and/or mount scheme
> didn't work. 
> Any advice...

>From your description of the problem above, I wouldn't immediately
conclude that your mount of /usr isn't working.

Take a look at /etc/fstab and make sure it looks okay.  Also, take
a look at the output from ``mount'' and look at the output of ``ls /usr''.

If all of these look okay, I would instead start looking for the
missing X file and try to figure out why they didn't install properly.