Samba Q...
Michael Vanecek
Sat, 22 Jul 2000 12:43:26 -0500
Thank you Tim. After much digging through the Samba and VMWare help
files (I suspected the problem was with either of those) I found a blurb
in the Samba help files about if it failed like mine was failing then
check to see if another smb service was running. Well, after running
netstat -a to see what was up, I noticed that when I had VMWare open,
netbios.ssn was up under vmnet. Hmmmm...a little more digging and
rerunning the vmware setup a couple of times (I missed it the first
time) and I discovered where it asks if you want VMWare to set up
communications with the Host what it really meant was do you want VMWare
to set up it's own SMB server/client. Answering no to that solved the
problem. I guess VMWare assumes that their customers aren't networked
and wouldn't have Samba loaded, which is a crock - every distribution I
know of has Samba. They need to either clarify that or write a script to
see if Samba is already loaded...
"Tim M. Sanders" wrote:
> Michael Vanecek wrote:
> > Samba suddenly quit working for some reason. Oddly enough, when I
> > activate /etc/rc.d/init.d/smb restart, it returns an [OK] but when I run
> > /etc/rc.d/init.d/smb status it returns "smbd stopped" (nmbd is still
> > running fine). Attached is an excerpt from the log.smb file. I loaded
> > VMWare a week ago, but up until yesterday samba has been working fine.
> > What could have suddenly taken over port 139 and socket-address
> > and how do I rectify the problem?
> >
> > RH6.2
> > Samba 2.0.7-4
> > VMWare 2.01
> I believe VMware has it's own "samba" built in if you installed with host
> networking, verses bridged networking. I believe I read that somewhere in the
> install script or in the docs. Check it out. You can verify this by starting
> vmware and checking your configuration. It will say Bridged or Host networking.
> >
> >
> > Mike
> >
> > PS - is it me, or is anyone else having a problem with Netscape freezing
> > up until initially until the router connects to the internet?