WANTED: Diverse UNIX/NT admin/engineer/security person to hire.

Adam Muntner adam@alienzoo.com
Thu, 20 Jul 2000 10:02:08 -0700

I sent this yesterday, but didn't see it in my digest... so just in case
I'm sending it again.  Sorry if you are receiving it twice!

Please forward to any interested parties.

Alienzoo.com is seeking a senior-level IT member with experience in the
following areas...

FreeBSD, OpenBSD and Windows nt/2000 administration including:

UNIX skills:
IPF or IPFW firewalling, NAT a plus
Postfix or Sendmail (we use postfix)
Cyrus IMAP server, any IMAP a plus
SAMBA server
NFS server/clients
FTP server experience
PC hardware configuration
SCSI RAID, hot swappable hardware experience a plus
Apache webserver + SSL
SSH - (secure shell)
Icecast streaming MP3 server, Realserver
Windows skills:
IIS and Cold Fusion administration + SSL
Domain user authentication
Windows service packs and hotfix updates
NT administration and maintenance
Shoutcast server

Other skills:
Understanding of TCP/IP, ethernet, subnets, some routing experience
Understanding of managing DNS, MX records, NS records, etc
Understanding of network security and good security practices
Self-managing, motivated, and responsible.
Great problem solving skills
Able to document work
Preferably a 'Ping Pong' player

Ideal candidates will have several years of experience adminstering
heterogenous UNIX and Windows enviroments, have a strong background in
security, know how to configure most of the above services, or else be
able to learn quickly on the job, be self-motivated, and assume a great
deal of responsibility by their own initiative.  The work environment is
fun, the pay competitive.

Please send your resume with a cover letter describing yourself, your
desired salary, your most recent salary, and how soon you would be able
to start if you were hired, to <adam@alienzoo.com>.   Also send your
contact information, and what a good time to contact you would be.

Adam Muntner                    
Systems Engineer, AlienZoo Inc. 