squid log files

kus ton t_85048@yahoo.com
Thu, 20 Jul 2000 14:54:38 -0700 (PDT)

I just got Squid running this week and am trying to
figure out what the log files mean.  If anyone has a
good URL(besides the squid-page) I would be greatfull.

I have a couple of simple questions:

 1. in the access.log file every request is TCP_MISS 
 even I go back to the same web page(ie yahoo.com or
 yale.edu)  What is a web page that I should get a
 TCP_HIT on?
 2. in the store.log file, all the entries are either
 SWAPOUT or RELEASE, is this normal?  Shouldn't I be
 getting some SWAPIN entries?
 When I set my browser up to use it as a proxy cache,
 it seems to speed up the downloads from URL's across
 the pond, but I can't prove it looking at the log
 Anyone have any ideas?

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