Tim M. Sanders
Thu, 20 Jul 2000 13:01:53 -0700
You could write a simple tcsh (csh) script:
# assume username and passwords in seperate files
set usernames=`cat usernamefile`
set passwords=`cat passwordsfile`
set passwdindex=0
foreach user ($usernames)
# add the first user
/usr/sbin/useradd $user -p ${passwords[$passwdindex]}
# increment the index
@ passwdindex = ($passwdindex + 1)
that should do it. If the username/passwords are in the same file, then adjust
the beginning to the known file format.
I thought useradd took unencrypted passwords by default. Are you logged in as
Don Harrop wrote:
> I've got a ton of users to add on a particular linux box. I have all the
> usernames and passwords.. I'd like to create an executable file that will
> run useradd and insert everyone into the machine. I can't figure out how to
> make useradd take unencrypted passwords at the command prompt though. Any
> ideas?
> Don
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Tim M. Sanders
MontaVista Software
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