Converting over to RPM
Rick Rosinski
Wed, 19 Jul 2000 02:32:28 -0700
Tried running rpm --update-db. No such option is available in this version.
What version of rpm do you have? What version has --update-db?
On Tue, 18 Jul 2000, you wrote:
> Have you tried running rpm --update-db? Did you check the man pages? If I
> weren't in Ft. Bragg right now I'd probably be a little more helpful,
> sorry...
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Barnett, Blake []
> Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2000 12:31 PM
> To: ''
> Subject: RE: Converting over to RPM
> You may want to find out what the rpm is looking for, it may be looking for
> files based on the redhat directory structure. (ie. /lib/ =
> /usr/lib/ and some linking would take care of it.. Otherwise, I
> think editing the rpm database would also be defeating the purpose.
> Or perhaps a better question to ask is what the differences in directory
> structure are between redhat and slackware? Is using rpms going to be more
> pain than it's worth? Maybe dpkg would work smoother with slackware.
> Homework time I guess.
> Maybe rpm should use ./configure.. *snicker*
> * Blake
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rick Rosinski []
> Sent: Monday, July 17, 2000 10:32 PM
> To: PLUG
> Subject: Converting over to RPM
> Now that I have had my fun with tarballs, ./configure, make , make install
> ever since I started using Linux (back in 1997), I want to move over to RPM
> to save some time and frustration with management of libs, etc. So, I
> began
> with Glade. The first dependency that the install failed was
> I ran the locate command (slackware), and found that it was in the /lib
> directory. I don't want to have to download all of the required rpms and
> install them if most of them may be on my system already. Of course, I
> could
> always do rpm --force <rpm pkg>. This would defeat the purpose of using
> rpms
> in the first place. What would be the best way to go about editing the rpm
> database so that it knows what files are where (for those files that I do
> already have?). Is there a utility that does this? Do I have to do it
> manually (if I do, how?).
> Thanks in advance. Rick R.
Rick Rosinski