NDS for Linux - was Re: Something interesting about Novell
Fri, 14 Jul 2000 00:35:46 -0700
IMHO, NDS is a Really Good Thing. I don't recall the source
but within the last month there was a review of NDS for
Linux that was quite favorable, considering the maturity of
the Linux port.
Details I remember: It's only for Redhat at the moment, it
took them 2 days to get it up and running. They had to deal
with the _one_ person in Novell support who had experience
with the product. They ended up with Linux and Windows
machines authenticating to NDS without a hitch.
The only down was that when NDS was _only_ hosted by Linux
(no Netware servers on the net at all) the login time was "a
bit slower". That doesn't surprise me since one of
Netware's big things has always been highly optimized
My NDS tree has better than 30,000 user accounts in 2
partitions, 7 servers and it's really a breeze to
administer. I honestly wouldn't sweat adding another 10,000
users. Netware's been conspicuously lacking an application
server for ages; I hope to see Linux fill that slot very
nicely in the near future.
This _might_ be the article, I'm just not up to re-reading
it at the moment. It's an informative one anyway:
(the last thing I love about NDS: it makes anything from
Mickeysoft look just like a freshman midterm software
assignment that deserves a C-)
Bill Warner wrote:
> I never had any problems with Novell stability running file
> and print services for 2-300 days+ at a time. Unfortanatly
> I only had minor experiance with it on a very small scale
> around 100 dos workstations and a few windows98 workstations
> I was lucky enough to land a linux job after that Novell job
> and havent really looked back untill now while takeing this
> class at school. I am starting to think that NDS is actually
> a really good thing and I would like to see a good working
> implemintation on linux. Unfortantly it will most likely
> be half assed buggy until some people get dependent on it
> and pay to fix bugs but isnt that how all propritary stuff i
> usualy works.
> Would sure be nice to have a nice way to manage the resource
> of linux/unix/windows/netwar/os2/etc.. from one location.
> Bill Warner
> foodog@uswest.net wrote:
> > I don't have Netware 5.1 in production yet but should by
> > the end of Summer.
Carpe cerevisiae