Something interesting about Novell
Wed, 12 Jul 2000 23:15:51 -0700

  I don't have Netware 5.1 in production yet but should by
the end of Summer.

  Novell has an application called 'xconsole' that's similar
to their SPX-based rconsole.  I've gathered it's a gaping
M$-style security issue tho'.

  The console management app ("Console One") is written in
Java and I'm pretty sure they're using fvwm.   Novell's been
trying to get people excited about developing console apps
using Java for quite awhile, claiming they've got "the"
screaming-fast jvm.  I'd poke around for more info and sign up for
"Developernet" (free).

  10 months ago we embarked on a mission to purchase new
Netware licensing - it went through today!  I hope to be
loaded with Netware 5.x trivia in another couple of months. 
Ideally that'll include a working knowledge of their 'NDS
Corporate edition for Linux' or whatever it's being called
this week.

  <I'm trying not to be a Netware evangelist here but deep
down that's my religion - ask me about my production 4.11
server that's been up for 412 days as of this morning :-) >


Bill Warner wrote:
> Warning the following has very little linux content but is
> kind of cool.
> I started my computer career doing Novell administration.
> Sorry, I was young and needed the money.  Anyway I really
> liked the fact that it was a dedicated server and could kick ass
> at serving printers and files.  wasn't much good for anything
> else but thats another gripe.   This was back on 4.1 and 4.11.
> I had heard of 5.0 and that it was going to have a GUI on it
> and thought that was the stuipidest thing I have ever heard.
> Well, here it is 5 years later and I finaly get to install a Novell
> 5.0 server in a class at MCC.  When the GUI first came up I
> saw something that was really familiar looking.  That black
> and white striped screen of X windows starting (sometimes
> called the herring bone screen).  I thought wow this must be
> X windows based this might acually be kind of cool.  After
> some more digging and a reboot I find that it is acually loading
> Xfree86 as its x server and useing java x applications for the
> administration on what looks almost like fvwm.
> Is there anyone more knowlageable about this and any advanced
> capabilitys and maybe intergration with linux?  Can I export
> say my nw5 DISPLAY to land Novell apps on my linux box?
> Bill Warner
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Carpe cerevisiae