(No Subject)

der.hans PLUGd@LuftHans.com
Wed, 5 Jul 2000 22:57:18 -0700 (MST)


don't know why you can't post to the list. Make sure you're subscribed
under jamestt@mailcity.com as that's what you're sending mail as. Don't
have time to investigate right now, same with your problems listed below,
but I'm CCing this to the list, so hopefully someone else can be more
helpful ( which is why we have the list :).



Am 05. Jul, 2000 schwäzte James Tanett so:

> Hi,
> I haven't been able to access the list although I am on it.  I just installed Corel Linux on a machine and I'm having problems with it.  I have referred to the so-called documentation and I've purchased a Que book on Linux.  That still is lettile help.
> It keeps switching between the application I'm working on and the desktop for no apparent reason.  I can't close wordperfect.  It keeps turning up everywhere.  I can't install the printer (HP Laser Jet II) even though the HP products are there.  I can't effectively load netscape and have to go to the library to get on the internet.  
> I certainly don't mind reading.  That's why I have the books, but the trouble of Linux seems to be, at least at this point, more than it is worth.  
> Gary or James
> 602-258-8971 XT 112
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#  der.hans@LuftHans.com   home.pages.de/~lufthans/   www.Opnix.com
#  I'm not anti-social, I'm pro-individual. - der.hans