odd question....

Mark Berkwitt mark.berkwitt@home.com
Wed, 5 Jul 2000 10:55:10 -0700

Which hard drive is your bios set up to boot off of?
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jonathan Furrer" <jonny@jofu.com>
To: "plug" <plug-discuss@lists.PLUG.phoenix.az.us>
Sent: Wednesday, July 05, 2000 10:29 AM
Subject: odd question....

> Hey, I have a friend whos trying to dual boot between Linux and
> Windows. Now this is all simple and easy, untill you consider that Linux
> is on IDE and Windows is on SCSI. Now Lilo is on the mbr on the IDE drive,
> but what, if anything is the solution to get Windows to be able to boot
> from Lilo off the SCSI partition. Can anyone provide assistance and or
> docs so my friend wont have to pull his hair out?
> _______________
> Jonathan Furrer
> jonny@jofu.com
> Be sure to check out my NEW site...
> http://www.jofu.com/
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