Efforts to go Microsoft free

Kevin Buettner kev@primenet.com
Mon, 3 Jul 2000 13:37:27 -0700

On Jul 3,  1:13pm, Charlie Bullen wrote:

> Ive encountered 1 criticle problem. I have to aaccess a protected web 
> site www.gosolo.wspan.com which claims to require Internet explorer. I 
> was real happy to find that I could access the site via the Staroffice 
>  Browser running under windows. Yesterday I got a modem for my Linux 
> (Suse 6.2) box configured it got it working fine (infact Im sending 
> this email from the Star Office email client) unfortunatley I cant 
> access the web page with the staroffice browser under linux. I can get 
> to the first page , Click the icon to login and it goes to a page that 
> says I have to have IE5.0
> This page never worked under netscape under win98.
> Accessing this page is a mission criticle function so until I can 
> figure out how to make this work I'm stuck with Windows and IE%.
> Any Ideas

Yes, but not all of them are truly Microsoft free.

1) Try Netscape Communicator on Linux.

2) Try Mozilla on Linux.

3) Use VMware to run some version of windows to in turn run IE.

4) Use WINE to run IE on Linux.  (Does anyone know if this works?)

5) Use Win4Lin (from http://www.trelos.com) to run IE.  Again, I
   have no idea if this works.  The Win4Lin license is cheaper than
   VMware though and I've heard that it's faster for some applications.

6) Write the website administrator and tell them that they need to
   support browsers other than IE5.0.