All alone?
Joel Dudley
Sun, 2 Jul 2000 20:41:14 -0700
OK, the list is pretty dead so I am taking the opporotunity to liven it up
with a somewhat off topic post.
I am desperately searching to buy or trade for celeron cpu's in the
400 - 433 MHz range for my Mom's Linux box. e-mail me direct if you can
help me out.
Second, wasn't there some talk a while back about making PLUG T-shirts?
Would be cool to see someone at a bar or at the mills to put faces to these
posts. They may even be good for our safety. When I was strolling through
AZ mills this weekend I was nearly run over by a person very closely
resembling one J.L.Francois. You would think that my OpenBSD shirt would
have afforded me some sort of protection from his wrath :-). Thankfully I
was able to meneuver my 6'7" body out of the way in time. Thanks for taking
the time to read my post.
- Joel