printf (' hello world! ');

Harvey Hirst
Sun, 2 Jul 2000 00:16:18 -0700 (MST)

On Fri, 30 Jun 2000, Stuart Foster wrote:

>What is the Linux equivalent of assembly ?

section .text
	global _start			;must be declared for linker

msg	db	'Hello, world!',0xa	;our dear string
len	equ	$ - msg			;length of our dear string

_start:					;tell linker where entry point is
	mov	edx,len			;message length
	mov	ecx,msg			;message to write
	mov	ebx,1			;file descriptor (stdout)
	mov	eax,4			;system call number (sys_write)
	int	0x80			;call kernel

	mov	eax,1			;system call number (sys_exit)
	int	0x80			;call kernel

nasm -f elf hello.asm
ld -s -o hello hello.o

The above program is from
