Linux HTML Editor
Brian Cluff
Sat, 1 Jul 2000 17:14:00 -0700
I dont know about HTML editors, but as far as regular editors go, I LOVE
NEdit (it comes with mandrake now) It's a great editor that alot like Cygnus
Edit on the amiga. And you don't to memorize a zillion weird key commands
like with emacs or vi.... but you also have the down side of that you can't
edit stuff through telnet like with emacs or vi.
Check it out...
Brian Cluff
----- Original Message -----
> In the Windows platform I like the Homesite editor. What
> recommendations are there for a Linux HTML editor that is similar to
> the Homesite product? Also what would be considered the most popular
> editor in the Linux platform?
> Thanks,
> Mike
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