[Plug-discuss] Wandering mind... commercial companies and Linux

Ken Bowley ken@sqs-ff.com
Mon, 24 Jan 2000 14:44:17 -0700

I normall don't worry about this type of stuff to much, but for some reason it's 
really starting to annoy me.  We all see these great announcments on the 
'net about companies like Intel, IBM, Dell, etc.. jumping on the Linux 
bandwagon.  They are all starting to claim that they support Linux on all their 
hardware (or at least their servers)!  At first this sounds like news to jump up 
and down and chear about...  perhaps even shove some of the stories down 
the throats of co-workers and managers who didn't want anything to do with 
this "hacker" system with no real commercial backing.  :)

The part that is starting to disturb me is that none of these companies even 
mention the name "Linux" in the mailings they send out. (those of you in the 
computer industry know the ones I mean... they are the same ones you fill 
your trash with every week)  If these companies are so gung-ho on 
supporting Linux, why are they so scared to admit it in their advertisements?

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= O-
Ken Bowley/Computer Operations           mailto:ken@sqs-ff.com
S.Q.S. Family Foods, L.L.C.              http://www.sqs-ff.com
-=-=-=-=-=[Sair Linux and GNU Certified Professional]=-=-=-=-=-
There is no time like the pleasant