Device Upload Petition

Mike Sheldon
Mon, 28 Feb 2000 18:25:28 -0700

The subject is that of a research group attempting to define an extension to
HTML, specifically an extension to INPUT TYPE="FILE", so as to allow input
from arbitrary hardware devices such as microphones. As near as I can tell,
Microsoft is not affiliated with this group in any way.

The full proposal is at:

Microsoft is mentioned here, but only to say that they had implemented the
proposal in such a way that involved "overly complex, nonstandard HTML
client extensions" and "even then are only able to serve customers using one
of the two major browsers on the Microsoft/Intel platform". Can anyone here
say ActiveX? Not a "new" extension to HTML by Microsoft, just continued use
of a bad extension.

If you want to petition that the proposal be made a standard:

Michael J. Sheldon
Internet Applications Developer
Phone: 480.699.1084
PGP Key Available on Request

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Lucas
Sent: Monday, February 28, 2000 15:18
To: plug1
Subject: Device Upload Petition

Looks like M$ is trying to alter HTML tags...
 <<Device Upload Petition.url>>