to be a newbie
Gorman, John
Mon, 28 Feb 2000 15:50:31 -0700
Not to miss the obvious, but try this:
1. First type: 'type make' (no quotes)
2. Does it give you a result or 'not found'?
3. If not found, then the problem may be that the make
is not in your path. I know that RPM has a way of telling you
that, but I am much better with a tar ball. So unless
someone knows of a way to find make from RPM, I would
do the following:
4. as root: find / -type f -name "make" -print 2>/dev/null
5. Once you have it located, either execute from the absolute
path or better yet, add it to your PATH
|-----Original Message-----
|From: []
|Sent: Monday, February 28, 2000 3:33 PM
|Subject: Re: to be a newbie
|I do that and it seems to install. But afterwards, if I do
|"rpm -q make" it
|says make is not installed. Also if I do "rpm --rebuild" on a
|qmail rpm I
|have it executes fine until it gets to make and says "make:command not
|found". This is driving me nuts, I feel so worthless not being able to
|install this rpm!! I even went into kpackage and searched for
|make and it
|did not find it. ahhhhhh!!
|- Joel
|----- Original Message -----
|From: D. Taylor <>
|To: <>
|Sent: Monday, February 28, 2000 3:22 PM
|Subject: Re: to be a newbie
|> Eh? From your RedHat 6.1 CD, or grab the .rpm from
|> and simply do
|> rpm --install make-3.77-6.i386.rpm
|> D
|> On Mon, 28 Feb 2000, Joel Dudley wrote:
|> > Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2000 15:18:43 -0700
|> > From: Joel Dudley <>
|> > Reply-To:
|> > To:
|> > Subject: to be a newbie
|> >
|> > OK, I am installing make or at least trying to. I got the
|RPM that has
|the following file details:
|> >
|> > make-3.78.1-race.patch
|> > make-3.78.1.tar.gz
|> > make.spec
|> >
|> > how do I install it after running the RPM? Where is the
|tarball going.
|I assume that installing the RPM is not the final step as make
|does not work
|after I install it. Do I have to do something to the tar? Thanks for
|bearing with my newbieness.
|> >
|> > - Joel
|> >
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