Article in recent 2600 mag

Lucas Vogel
Tue, 22 Feb 2000 20:44:40 +0700

Kevin Brown wrote:
> I don't know how many of you guys/gals read 2600, but in the most recent issue
> that I picked up (V 16, #4) are several articles for using Linux to "break
> into"/"Gain access to" NTFS partitions using the floppy distro Trinux.  It talks
> about both the positive side (getting access to back up data after a fatal
> crash) and the negative side (getting access for devious/malicious purposes).
> It is an interesting article and should be nice info for those of us who,
> *shudder*, work on NT systems with NTFS partitions.

Before I start shuddering, may I ask-is this the only filesystem that
has this kind of available exploit?

Lucas Vogel
ICQ: 44697169