routers, gateways, firewalls, dns etc...
Digital Wokan
Fri, 18 Feb 2000 17:11:13 -0700
If you're getting a T1, why aren't you getting an entire Class C to go
with it? You shouldn't even have to bother with IP Masq anymore.
As for what a router can do, we've got a Cisco 2620 and while the
graphical setup is nice, it doesn't appear to be nearly as flexible as
using the Cisco's CLI or Linux's CLI. The basic 2620 IOS comes with the
Masq'ing ability, and minor firewall capabilities. For the real deal
(IPSec, VPN, IP-GRE), Cisco wants another $800-$2400 (for what amounts
to the Linux equivalent of a recompiled kernel). And don't forget the
almost impossible to avoid $300+ RAM upgrade to fit your new IOS image
into (from the basic package).
I really wish Linux VPN and PPTP clients were easier to configure and
also tie into IPMasq (we only have ISDN, but T-1's coming). That $400
Linux box would have beat the Cisco router into the ground in
price/performance ratio (IMHO, of course).
arson smith wrote:
> I have used linux ipchains/ipmasq for my firewalls and
> gateways at home for dial up and at our temporary office here
> over the dsl line. I haven't messed with anything bigger
> than that. I am wondering now about routers mostly. what
> exactly does a router do that my ipmasq linux box doesn't
> I don't really want a complete lesson on this just a quick
> overview of what it is for. basicly I am setting up a net
> work for a t1 line. from the t1 it goes into a router, from
> there it goes into my linux firewall with ipmasq being used
> as the gateway to the internet. then going to a 192.168.x.x
> network in our lan. I have a dhcp/samba/dns server running
> inside the firewall for the lan also.
> now for the real questions. Is this what I should be
> doing? and could I get a basic explination of networking
> from the lan to the internet?
> These questions almost seem trivial to what I feel I should
> know but don't. It just seems my knowladge is really full
> of holes. also is there any good reading I could pick
> up for explaining this kind of stuff that is 900+ pages?
> Bill Warner
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Digital Wokan
Tribal mage of the electronics age
Guerilla Linux Warrior