VooDoo3 2000
Tue, 8 Feb 2000 09:36:35 -0700 (MST)
\_ Well I started useing them when enlightenment
\_ got the feature to use <alt><enter> to resize
\_ your resolution to the closest modeline to the
\_ size of the curent window and center it. Great
\_ for play xmame or xanime in xwindows full screen.
\_ I wish more window managers would use this feature
\_ especially Sawmill. witch I have switched over to
\_ part time
heh. I can throw some C code at you that will pop resolutions for
you, then write some lisp to figure out how big the window is, and
pop to the correct resolution. Centering on the selected window is a
different beast though; don't have the magic for that.