remote printing with pap
Eric Richardson
Tue, 19 Dec 2000 10:43:59 -0700
I have netatalk working and I can send a postscript file to the printer
using pap and it prints fine. The setup is a local area network with one
switch and the printer is connected to the TCP/IP network with a
Ethertalk to localtalk bridge. The printer also works fine with a Mac on
the network.
I am running SuSE 6.4 and a tried using the yast or whatever to setup a
remote printer with no luck so then I tried to use info on the net to
get close with the printcap file manually. I can't understand the print
filter chain and how this works with the printer daemon and the remote
Below is a transcript of what I think might be important. Any help would
be very much appreciated.
Eric :-)
maxwell@maxwell:~ > cat /etc/printcap
lp|nec95|Silentwriter 95:\
maxwell@maxwell:/var/spool/lpd/nec95-lp > ls -la null
crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 3, 1 Oct 19 07:10 null
maxwell@maxwell:/var/spool/lpd/nec95-lp > ps -ef | grep lpd
root 244 1 0 08:58 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/lpd
root 247 244 0 08:58 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/lpd
maxwell 552 511 0 09:45 pts/0 00:00:00 grep lpd
root@maxwell:/var/spool/lpd/nec95-lp > cat status
waiting for lp to become ready (offline ?)
maxwell@maxwell:~ > cat .paprc
# Apple Printer Access Protocol (PAP)
Silentwriter 95:LaserWriter@*
This file is also in the spool directory as well since pap needs this
maxwell@maxwell:~ > pap
Trying 840.85:128 ...
status: idle
Connected to Silentwriter 95:LaserWriter@*.
Connection closed.
So this works fine and prints the file.
maxwell@maxwell:~ > lpr
lpr: connect: Connection refused
jobs queued, but cannot start daemon.
root@maxwell:/etc/rc.d > ./lpd status
root@maxwell:/etc/rc.d > ./lpd stop
Shutting down lpd
root@maxwell:/etc/rc.d > ./lpd start
Starting lpd
If I remove everything from the queue and restart the daemon this is
what happens. Notice this time that the lpr doesn't refuse connection as
maxwell@maxwell:~ > lpr
maxwell@maxwell:~ > lpq
waiting for lp to become ready (offline ?)
Rank Owner Job Files Total Size
1st maxwell 44 14807 bytes
I get cf and df files but the files just never print.
root@maxwell:/var/spool/lpd/nec95-lp > ls
acct cfA045maxwell dfA045maxwell log null
cfA044maxwell dfA044maxwell lock nec95.ppd status