Summer on PCs - fridge mods
Tue, 19 Dec 2000 17:11:24 -0700
There are recurring threads on the Homebrew Digest about
modifying refrigerators to install tap handles, CO2 lines,
etc. I recall the concensus being that drilling through the
door is safe, drilling through a side wall is _usually_
safe, just watch out for wiring and seal it up with caulk to
avoid moisture in the walls.
If you go to HBD.ORG you can search the archives for
accurate info - the most knowledegable fridge guy signs his
posts "Forest Duddles", you might search on that. There are
also various schemes for building a walk-in cooler, but if
you're not brewing* in there too that's probably overkill.
I don't see why you'd need to have airflow from outside
unless you're keeping penguins in there with the servers.
The problem I'd expect is having the cooling unit cycling
on/off more frequently than normal - you might help that by
adding a bunch of extra thermal mass such as 2L soda bottles
filled with water, or maybe beer... I'd be worried about
condensation on/in the server(s) when you open the door.
*side note: if you can make soup from a recipe you can
probably brew better beer than most of what's commercially
available here'bouts. See for an
excellent local shop. No affiliation, I just hope he stays
in business until I'm ready to drop by again :-)
Kevin Saling wrote:
> Hmm. Maybe you were joking, but I've considered something similar. I've
> considered buying a used full-size refrigerator and fitting the inside with
> some kind of shelving or racks for my servers. Of course, it would require
> an opening for wire bundles. However, wouldn't it also require an opening
> for airflow? Then, if you draw in the hot air, wouldn't it overwork the
> frig? Granted, you wouldn't need it _cold_ inside. Relatively cool would
> be fine. Also, what about moisture build up on the inside? Anyway, is this
> out of the realm of possibility?
> ...Kevin
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