df report
Sat, 16 Dec 2000 11:37:27 -0700
It seems like on Sat, Dec 16, 2000 at 01:41:25AM -0500, jkenner@mindspring.com scribbled:
Orig Msg> plug-discuss@lists.PLUG.phoenix.az.us wrote:
Orig Msg> Also, depending, you might want to slap the quota system around and
Orig Msg> make the user unhappy...that'll get him in the Christmas Spirit more
Orig Msg> than any song ever could. :-)
Somewhere in there is a BOFH Christmas poem just dying to get out...
...and delete your home directory after setting a 1k quota, clickety click.
Maybe I'll work on the "Night Before a BOFH Christmas",
or maybe I'll just work on deleting luser files after
setting a 1k quoata for them.
So many lusers, so many choices, such little time.<sigh>
Jean Francois - JLF Sends...