First Tuesday- Launching Feb 6th, 2001.
Sat, 16 Dec 2000 01:19:13 -0500

Clicking thru your link resulted in ending up at MICROSOFT.COM (to "download the required plugin")

What is this, some sort of SICK JOKE?

I was asked to "select my OS", and presented with several possible choices. The only decent OS listed was Solaris, all the others on the list are the various ones by Microsoft and their bedbuddies at Apple. (Yes, its true - Gate's company developed the AppleSoft BASIC interpreter present in the very ROMs of the Apple ][+ ... )

PLEASE do *NOT* support content that uses a proprietary format, or requires a Microshit-based plugin to work. MS's media formats are CRAP. If you must put movies on the web, use MPEG-2 or MPEG-4. 

From: Tom Mattingly <>
>Here is a link to the web cast of Denver's First Tuesday's
>launching meeting
Tom Mattingly 
Wave Technologies / Thomson Learning "The World's Leading IT Training
(480) 699-5663 office