Help with proftpd/inetd

Larry Schmid
Fri, 8 Dec 2000 22:12:10 -0700

On Friday 08 December 2000 19:13, you wrote:
> Hey Everyone,
> I recently installed proftpd onto my system.  I am having probles getting
> it to work through inetd.  I have the following line in my inetd.conf file:
> ftp     stream  tcp     nowait  root    /usr/sbin/tcpd  /usr/sbin/proftpd
>  and then added the following line to my hosts.allow file:
> ftp: LOCAL
> When I try to log in, ftp localhost, I get the following:
> 421 Service not available, remote server has closed connection
> and this appears in /var/log/messages:
> topeka proftpd[16675]: refused connect from catchen@
> When I change the hosts.allow file to ALL: ALL it works.  Does anyone know
> why this isn't?

Try using the specific name of the daemon in hosts.allow. As in:

proftpd: LOCAL

Also, the LOCAL keyword matches any hostname without a dot.  If the 
/etc/hosts file lists:    localhost.localdomain  localhost

as some Linux distros default to, then your hostname will resolve to 
localhost.localdomain and the LOCAL keyword will cause tcpd to refuse 

secure shell plug:  Unless you have a specific circumstance in which you need 
ftp, you might consider installing ssh.  The included scp (secure copy) 
allows encrypted authentication and transfers, as well as being able to 
transfer whole directory trees.  ssh also works with tcp wrappers.

