File Splitting
Don Harrop
Don Harrop <>
Tue, 5 Dec 2000 13:06:53 -0700 (MST)
cat linuxiso* >> linuxrocks.iso is what I ment to type. I even ran it on
that same BSD iso again just to make sure it works. I mounted the newly
created iso (from the split images) with the -o loop option and I can see
everything just fine so I'm assuming everything is still entact.
> um,
> cat linuxiso* > linuxrocks.iso
> doesn't work for some reason? The fileglobbing expands
> asciibettically, just like split creates them.
> Of course, you could run into problems if you have other files named
> linuxiso, but then you shouldn't have given it that prefix....
> David
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