File Splitting
Tue, 5 Dec 2000 07:48:18 -0700
No, really, 'cat''s the circa 1988 approved way to do it, skip the
script. The files are named asciibetically, IIRC, so cat
doesn't have any issues.
\_ Yep, just figured that out.. I assumed that since there was a command to
\_ break it up there was a command to put it back together.. Guess
\_ not.. I'll have to write a script file or something.
\_ Don
\_ BTW, thanks for the reply. This list rocks.. ;-)
\_ On Mon, 4 Dec 2000, Rusty Carruth wrote:
\_ > >
\_ > > OK, I can split up the file just fine.. How do I put it back
\_ > > together.. The man page for split sucks.. The info page isn't much
\_ > > better.
\_ > >
\_ >
\_ > if your outpt files are called foo01 - foo99, then do:
\_ >
\_ > cat foo?? > bigfoo
\_ >
\_ > rusty
\_ >
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